Welcome to
Chestnut Montessori
Learn. Grow. Flourish.
we value fostering a passion for lifelong learning by acquiring skills and content required for successful and critical thinkers.
we value treating others the way we ourselves like to be treated.

Social Responsibility
we value the ideas that individuals have the ability to change the world and the group has the power to make this a reality.
we value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in our students.
we value celebrating an accomplishment, be it big or small.

Our Mission
The staff, parents and members of Chestnut Montessori aim to encourage each student in all aspects of learning by: Working together as a team and learning community. Identifying, nurturing, and developing every student’s potential. Promoting learning with love. Offering a holistic education to develop students’ aesthetic, moral, and social values; as well as their intellectual and physical capacities. Providing a rich, challenging academic program. Encouraging independence and confidence in a safe environment. Providing a rich, challenging academic program. Promoting personal self-esteem and respect for others. Setting high academic standards. Creating a world-class education experience—innovative, challenging, and enterprising. Setting high academic standards. Encouraging the development of positive social and cultural values. Developing leadership skills in all students. Providing positive adult role models. Sowing the seeds of wonder, creativity, innovation, hard work, and the spirit of discovery and adventure.